Price |
Effects |
Material |
Notes |
リストウォッチ |
Wristwatch |
- |
- |
- |
Protagonist's default accessory |
プレーンリング |
Plain Ring |
- |
- |
- |
Yosuke's default accessory |
缶バッジ |
Aluminum Badge |
- |
- |
- |
Chie's default accessory |
ヘアーバンド |
Hair Band |
- |
- |
- |
Yukiko's default accessory |
スパイラルピアス |
Spiral Piece |
- |
- |
- |
Naoto's default accessory |
シルバーロケット |
Silver Locket |
- |
- |
- |
Kanji's default accessory |
クマミミ |
Bear Ears |
- |
- |
- |
Teddie's default accessory |
リボン |
Ribbon |
- |
- |
- |
Rise's default accessory |
火の誓願 |
Fire Vow |
- |
Fire Damage Increased +10% |
- |
Locked Chests: Yukiko's Castle |
炎の誓願 |
Flame Vow |
- |
Fire Damage Increased +20% |
- |
Locked Chests: Steamy Bathhouse |
焔誓願 |
Vow of Blaze |
? |
Fire Damage Increased +30% |
? |
? |
たたらの誓願 |
Vow of Furnace |
? |
Fire Damage Increased +40% |
? |
Heaven |
カグツチの誓願 |
Vow of Kagutsuchi |
? |
Fire Damage Increased +50% |
? |
Yomotsu Hirasaka 3F |
氷の誓願 |
Ice Vow |
? |
Ice Damage Increased +10% |
? |
? |
雪の誓願 |
Snow Vow |
- |
Ice Damage Increased +20% |
- |
Locked Chests: Steamy Bathhouse |
吹雪の誓願 |
Blizzard Vow |
? |
Ice Damage Increased +30% |
? |
? |
垂氷の誓願 |
Icicle Vow |
? |
Ice Damage Increased +40% |
? |
? |
クラオカミの誓願 |
Kuraokami Vow |
? |
Ice Damage Increased +50% |
? |
Yomotsu Hirasaka 7F |
風の誓願 |
Vow of Wind |
? |
Wind Damage Increased +10% |
? |
? |
暴風の誓願 |
Vow of Gale |
? |
Wind Damage Increased +20% |
? |
? |
嵐の誓願 |
Storm Vow |
? |
Wind Damage Increased +30% |
? |
? |
野分の誓願 |
Vow of Hurricane |
? |
Wind Damage Increased +40% |
? |
? |
シナトベの誓願 |
Vow of Shinatobe |
? |
Wind Damage Increased +50% |
- |
Yomotsu Hirasaka 5F |
雷の誓願 |
Vow of Lightning |
? |
Elec Damage Increased +10% |
? |
? |
雷震の誓願 |
Vow of Shock |
? |
Elec Damage Increased +20% |
? |
? |
鳴神の誓願 |
Volt Vow |
? |
Elec Damage Increased +30% |
? |
? |
おどろしの誓願 |
Vow of Odoroshi |
? |
Elec Damage Increased +40% |
? |
? |
タケフツの誓願 |
Takefutsu Vow |
? |
Elec Damage Increased +50% |
- |
Yomotsu Hirasaka 1F-2F |
天使の羽 |
White Feather |
12,000 |
Light Resistance Increased |
Crystal of Light (10) |
Heaven: Devoted Cupid |
堕天使の羽 |
Black Feather |
12,000 |
Dark Resistance Increased |
Black Signature (10) |
Heaven: Green Sigil |
火のブローチ |
Fire Brooch |
? |
Fire Damage Reduced +10% |
? |
? |
炎のブローチ |
Flame Pin |
? |
Fire Damage Reduced +20% |
? |
? |
焔のブローチ |
Blaze Brooch |
? |
Fire Damage Reduced +30% |
? |
? |
たたらのブローチ |
Tatarano Brooch |
? |
Fire Damage Reduced +40% |
? |
? |
カグツチのブローチ |
Kagutsuchi Brooch |
? |
Fire Damage Reduced +50% |
? |
? |
氷のブローチ |
Ice Brooch |
? |
Ice Damage Reduced +10% |
? |
? |
雪のブローチ |
Snow Brooch |
? |
Ice Damage Reduced +20% |
? |
? |
吹雪のブローチ |
Blizzard Pin |
? |
Ice Damage Reduced +30% |
? |
? |
垂氷のブローチ |
Hail Brooch |
? |
Ice Damage Reduced +40% |
? |
? |
クラオカミのブローチ |
Brooch of Kula |
? |
Ice Damage Reduced +50% |
? |
? |
風のブローチ |
Wind Brooch |
? |
Wind Damage Reduced +10% |
? |
? |
暴風のブローチ |
Gale Brooch |
? |
Wind Damage Reduced 20% |
? |
? |
嵐のブローチ |
Storm Brooch |
? |
Wind Damage Reduced +30% |
? |
? |
野分のブローチ |
Gale Pin |
? |
Wind Damage Reduced +40% |
? |
? |
シナトベのブローチ |
Shinatobe Brooch |
? |
Wind Damage Reduced +50% |
? |
? |
雷のブローチ |
Elec Brooch |
? |
Elec Damage Reduced +10% |
? |
? |
雷震のブローチ |
Spark Pin |
- |
Elec Damage Reduced +20% |
? |
? |
鳴神のブローチ |
Volt Pin |
? |
Elec Damage Reduced +30% |
? |
? |
おどろしのブローチ |
Odoroshi Brooch |
? |
Elec Damage Reduced +40% |
? |
? |
タケフツのブローチ |
Takehutsu Brooch |
? |
Elec Damage Reduced +50% |
? |
? |
全能の真球 |
Almighty Orb |
- |
Null All Attacks except Almighty |
- |
Loot: The Reaper (New Game+) |
消毒スプレー |
Disinfectant |
18,000 |
Resist Poison |
Beard Fiber (10)/すごいヒゲ繊維(10) |
Steamy Bathhouse: Egotistical King (えごいすとキング) |
防毒マスク |
Gas Mask |
? |
Null Poison |
? |
? |
平静の仏像 |
Tranquil Buddha |
18,000 |
Resist Confusion |
Safety Angle (10) |
Marukyu Striptease: Adamant Beetle |
サクラン帽子 |
Confusion Hat |
? |
Null Confusion |
? |
Locked Chests: Heaven 1F |
勇気の器 |
Bravery Vessel |
18,000 |
Resist Fear |
Brave Lumber (10)/勇目の木材(10) |
Steamy Bathhouse: Crying Table (泣くテーブル) |
肝っ珠 |
Bold Ball |
? |
Null Fear |
- |
Locked Chests: Heaven 1F |
ヘルシーレシピ |
Healthy Recipe |
18,000 |
Resist Exhaustion |
Paleograph (10) |
Void Quest: Spurious Book |
息災の護摩 |
Healthy Homa |
? |
Null Exhaustion |
? |
? |
若衆のはちまき |
Kid's Hachimaki |
18,000 |
Resist Enervation |
Guard Cloth (10) |
Void Quest: Protective Rexy |
ヤング律管 |
Pitch Pipes |
? |
Null Enervation |
? |
? |
クールビーズ |
Cool Beads |
18,000 |
Resist Rage |
Quiet Bouquet (10) |
Marukyu Striptease: Blooming Bambino |
冷徹のバラ |
Frozen Rose |
- |
Null Rage |
- |
Locked Chests: Heaven 2F-8F; Magatsu Inaba 1F; Magatsu Mandala 5F; Yomotsu Hirasaka 5F-8F |
安全ベルト |
Safety Belt |
18,000 |
Resist Dizzy |
Ruinous Crown (10) |
Magatsu Mandala: Fanatic Tower |
目覚まし時計 |
Alarm Clock |
- |
Null Dizzy |
? |
? |
偽りの仮面 |
Disguise Mask |
18,000 |
Resist Silence |
Decorative Stone (10)/飾り石(10) |
Steamy Bathhouse: Tranquil Idol (静寂のマリア) |
真実の仮面 |
Mask of Truth |
? |
Null Silence |
- |
Locked Chests: Heaven 9F |
滅却の書 |
Book of Ruin |
- |
Ailment Recovery (Doubled) |
- |
? |
無心の書 |
Tome of Ignorance |
- |
Ailment Recovery (Single Round) |
- |
? |
虚無の書 |
Book of the Void |
- |
Null Fear, Rage, Confusion, Silence, and Enervation |
- |
Locked Chests: Magatsu Inaba 1F; Magatsu Mandala 6F |
鷹の目 |
Falcon Eye |
- |
Physical Evasion Rate UP (Low?) |
- |
? |
鷲の目 |
Eagle Eye |
- |
Physical Evasion Rate UP (High) |
- |
Fishing: Oct (Huge Fish×3);
Locked Chests: Heaven 1F |
猫の髭 |
Cat's Whiskers |
- |
Magical Evasion Rate UP (Low?) |
- |
? |
ビーズの指輪 |
Ring of Beads |
- |
Magical Evasion Rate UP (High) |
- |
? |
火伏せの符 |
Fire Suppressor |
(4,980) |
Fire Evasion Rate UP (Low) |
- |
Tanaka's Amazing Commodities: 6/12 |
炎神の瞳 |
Eye of Flame |
- |
Fire Evasion Rate UP (High) |
- |
? |
氷伏せの符 |
Ice Suppressor |
- |
Ice Evasion Rate UP (Low) |
- |
? |
氷神の瞳 |
Eye of Ice |
- |
Ice Evasion Rate UP (High) |
- |
Locked Chests: Heaven 8F |
風伏せの符 |
Wind Suppressor |
- |
Wind Evasion Rate UP (Low) |
- |
? |
風神の瞳 |
Eye of Wind |
- |
Wind Evasion Rate UP (High) |
- |
Locked Chests: Heaven 9F |
雷伏せの符 |
Volt Suppressor |
- |
Elec Evasion Rate UP (Low) |
- |
? |
雷神の符 |
Eye of Thunder |
- |
Elec Evasion Rate UP (High) |
- |
Locked Chests: Heaven 1F |
リベンジリング |
Revenge Ring |
30,000 |
Physical Counter Rate UP +10% |
Selfish Ornament (10)/我欲の飾り石(10) |
Steamy Bathhouse: Selfish Basalt (我欲のバザルト) |
報復の鎖 |
Reprisal Chain |
- |
Physical Counter Rate UP +15% |
- |
Tanaka's Amazing Commodities: 9/18 |
復讐の鬼面 |
Devil's Mask of Revenge |
- |
Physical Counter Rate UP +20% |
- |
? |
大地シール |
Land Badge |
25,000 |
Recover +2% HP every turn |
Life Collar (10)/生命の首輪(10) |
Steamy Bathhouse: Nizam Beast (ニザームアニマル) |
地球シール |
Earth Badge |
30,000 |
Recover +4% HP every turn |
Ill Will Claw (10) |
Yomotsu Hirasaka: Crazy Twins |
宇宙シール |
Space Badge |
- |
Recover +6% HP every turn |
- |
? |
方士バッジ |
Mage's Mark |
25,000 |
Recover +3 SP every turn |
Magic Cloth (10)/魔術の黒布(10) |
Steamy Bathhouse: Phantom Master (ファントムマスター) |
道士バッジ |
Sorcerer's Mark |
30,000 |
Recover +5 SP every turn |
Silver Fox Fur (10)/銀狐の毛皮(10) |
Yomotsu Hirasaka: Divine Mother;
Locked Chests: Secret Laboratory 4F; Heaven 2F-8F |
仙人バッジ |
Wizard Badge |
- |
Recover +7 SP every turn |
- |
Locked Chest: Magatsu Mandala 2F; Yomotsu Hirasaka 4F |
テイクノート |
Awareness Note |
- |
Enemy Ambush Rate DOWN
(Comparable to Alertness Skill) |
- |
Locked Chests: Steamy Bathhouse 5F-10F; Marukyu Striptease 3F-8F |
シグマドライブ |
Sigma Drive |
- |
Enemy Critical Hit Rate DOWN
(Comparable to Sharp Student) |
Platinum Fur (10)/白銀の毛皮(10) |
Magatsu Mandala: Nemean Beast;
Locked Chests: Secret Laboratory 2F-7F;_Heaven 5F; Magatsu Mandala 3F; Yomotsu Hirasaka 2F-7F |
オメガドライブ |
Omega Drive |
- |
Critical Hit Rate UP (Comparable to Apt Pupil) |
- |
Locked Chests: Heaven 2F-8F; Magatsu Mandala 2F; Yomotsu Hirasaka 4F |
蛮神の腕輪 |
Barbaric Bracers |
- |
Enemy Hit Rate Halved (Comparable to Ali Dance) |
- |
Locked Chests: Magatsu Mandala 1F-5F; Yomotsu Hirasaka 5F-8F |
完全神柱 |
Divine Pillar |
- |
All Damage Halved, but Evasion = 0
(Comparable to Firm Stance) |
- |
Locked Chests: Magatsu Mandala 6F |
ルドラリング |
Rudra Ring |
- |
HP Skill Cost Halved (Comparable to Arms Master) |
- |
Locked Chests: Magatsu Mandala 2F; Yomotsu Hirasaka 7F |
チャクラリング |
Chakra Ring |
- |
SP Skill Cost Halved (Comparable to Spell Master) |
- |
Heaven: Extra Boss:
Yomotsu Hirasaka 6F (Note: After acquiring the Soma recovery item from one certain chest on the floor, leave the dungeon, let the chests refill, and then search the chests again.) |
祝福の手 |
Blessed Hands |
40,000 |
Recovery Magic Effect x1.5 |
Activated Felt (10) |
Magatsu Mandala: Earnest Carothy;
Locked Chest: Void Quest |
我慢の首輪 |
Patient Collar |
- |
When HP Drops to 0, Revive with One HP
(Comparable to Endure) |
- |
Locked Chests: Marukyu Striptease 1F-6F; Void Quest 3F-9F; Secret Laboratory 4F; Heaven 5F |
復活の預言書 |
Rebirth Prophecy |
- |
When HP Drops to 0, Revive with Full HP (Comparable to Enduring Soul) |
- |
Locked Chests: Magatsu Mandala 4F; Yomotsu Hirasaka 3F |
元気の根付け |
Vigor Fob |
12,000 |
Max HP +10% |
Big Incisor (10)/大きな乳歯(10) |
Yukiko's Castle: Lying Hablerie (虚言のアブルリー) |
生命の根付け |
Life Fob |
25,000 |
Max HP +20% |
Living Metal (?) |
Yomotsu Hirasaka: Grand Magus |
天照の根付け |
Amaterasu Fob |
- |
Max HP +30% |
- |
Locked Chests: Void Quest 3F-9F; Secret Laboratory 5F; Heaven 2F-8F; Magatsu Inaba 1F; Magatsu Mandala 6F; Yomotsu Hirasaka 3F |
ラベンダーポプリ |
Plum Potpourri |
12,000 |
Max SP +10% |
Idea Paper (10)/精神の薄紙(10) |
Yukiko's Castle: Calm Pesce (冷静のページュ) |
ソウルポプリ |
Soul Potpourri |
25,000 |
Max SP +20% |
Invincible Felt (10) |
Yomotsu Hirasaka: Successful Junshi |
月読ポプリ |
Moon Potpourri |
- |
Max SP +30% |
- |
Locked Chests: Void Quest 2F-5F; Secret Laboratory 3F-6F; Heaven 4F-9F; Magatsu Mandala 4F; Yomotsu Hirasaka 1F-6F |
豆絞り |
Headband |
3,000 |
Strength +1 |
? |
? |
力帯 |
Power Band |
- |
Strength +2 |
- |
Locked Chests: Yukiko's Castle 3F; Steamy Bathhouse 1F-6F;
Tanaka's Amazing Commodities 6/19 |
力だすき |
Power Tasuki |
- |
Strength +3 |
- |
Locked Chests: Marukyu Striptease 2F-7F; Void Quest 1F-6F |
気合はちまき |
Spirit Hachimaki |
- |
Strength +4 |
- |
Locked Chests: Secret Laboratory 4F; Heaven 4F-9F |
祭り太鼓 |
Festival Drum |
15,000 |
Strength +5 |
Windcutter Cloth (10) |
Secret Laboratory: Shallow Okina |
パワーマッスル |
Power Muscle |
- |
Strength +10 |
? |
? |
とかげチャーム |
Lizard Charm |
3,000 |
Magic +1 |
Big Incisor (1)/大きな乳歯(1) |
Yukiko's Castle: Lying Hablerie (虚言のアブルリー) |
からすチャーム |
Crow's Charm |
- |
Magic +2 |
- |
Locked Chests: Yukiko's Castle 4F; Steamy Bathhouse 2F-9F |
コウモリチャーム |
Bat's Charm |
- |
Magic +3 |
- |
Locked Chests: Marukyu Striptease 1F-6F; Void Quest 3F-9F |
黒猫チャーム |
Black Cat Charm |
- |
Magic +4 |
- |
? |
魔女チャーム |
Witch Charm |
12,000 |
Magic +5 |
Silver Signature (10) |
Secret Laboratory: Red Sigil |
マジカルトランス |
Demon Charm |
- |
Magic +10 |
- |
Locked Chests: Magatsu Inaba |
おまもり |
Amulet |
3,000 |
Endurance +1 |
? |
? |
タリスマン |
Talisman |
- |
Endurance +2 |
- |
Locked Chests: Yukiko's Castle 5F; Steamy Bathhouse 3F-7F |
ガードアミュレット |
Guard Armlet |
- |
Endurance +3 |
- |
Locked Chests: Marukyu Striptease 4F-9F; Void Quest 2F |
鉄の護符 |
Iron Charm |
- |
Endurance +4 |
- |
Locked Chests: Secret Laboratory 3F-6F; Heaven 5F |
守神のロザリオ |
Guard Rosary |
15,000 |
Endurance +5 |
Hard Thorn (10)/堅利な刺(10) |
Secret Laboratory: Fierce Cyclops |
極意ディフェンス |
Defense Essence |
- |
Endurance +10 |
- |
Locked Chests: Magatsu Mandala 4F; Yomotsu Hirasaka 4F |
羽のストラップ |
Feather Strap |
3,000 |
Agility +1 |
Moustache Fiber (+4)/ヒゲ繊維(+4) |
Yukiko's Castle: Positive King (ぽじてぶキング) (Note: After acquiring the 6 Moustache Fibers needed for the Kevlar Vest, acquire 4 more to get the Feather Strap.) |
翼のストラップ |
Wing Strap |
- |
Agility +2 |
- |
Locked Chests: Yukiko's Castle 6F; Steamy Bathhouse 4F-8F |
風切羽のストラップ |
Flight Strap |
- |
Agility +3 |
- |
Locked Chests: Marukyu Striptease 3F-8F; Void Quest 4F-7F |
駿馬のストラップ |
Speed Strap |
- |
Agility +4 |
- |
Locked Chests: Secret Laboratory 2F-7F; Heaven 1F-6F |
ペガサスのストラップ |
Pegasus Strap |
15,000 |
Agility +5 |
Mental Thread (10)/精神の縫い糸(10) |
Secret Laboratory: Mind Dice |
スピードスター |
Speedstar |
- |
Agility +10 |
- |
Locked Chests: Magatsu Mandala 1F-5F; Yomotsu Hirasaka 5F-8F |
幸運のコイン |
Lucky Coin |
3,000 |
Luck +1 |
Black Lamp (+16)/黒鉄のカンテラ(+16) |
Yukiko's Castle: Black Raven (ブラックレイヴン) (Note: After acquiring the 6 Black Lamps needed for the Long Sword, acquire 16 more to get the Lucky Coin.) |
うさぎの足 |
Rabbit's Foot |
- |
Luck +2 |
- |
Locked Chests: Yukiko's Castle 7F; Steamy Bathhouse 5F-10F |
銀のスプーン |
Silver Spoon |
- |
Luck +3 |
- |
Locked Chests: Marukyu Striptease 5F-10F; Void Quest 8F |
まねきネコ |
Maneki Neko |
- |
Luck +4 |
- |
Locked Chests: Secret Laboratory 1F-8F; Heaven 2F-8F; Tanaka's Amazing Commodities 7/31 |
木彫りのえびす |
Wooden Ebisu |
15,000 |
Luck +5 |
Yellow Cord (10)/黄色の飾り緒(10) |
Secret Laboratory: Royal Dancer |
ラッキーセブン |
Lucky Seven |
? |
Luck +10 |
? |
Locked Chests: Magatsu Mandala 1F-5F; Yomotsu Hirasaka 5F-8F |
風水ブレスレット |
Feng Shui Brace |
9,000 |
All Stats +1 |
Bronze Reins (+4)/青銅の馬具(+4) |
Yukiko's Castle: Avenger Knight (征服の騎士) (Note: After acquiring the 6 Bronze Reins needed for the Metal Jacket, acquire 4 more to get the Feng Shui Brace.) |
気脈ブレスレット |
Kimyaku Brace |
? |
All Stats +2 |
- |
Locked Chests: Marukyu Striptease 3F-8F; Void Quest 8F |
竜脈ブレスレット |
Ryumaku Bracelet |
? |
All Stats +3 |
- |
Locked Chests: Secret Laboratory 4F; Heaven 5F |
霊泉ブレスレット |
Reisen Brace |
19,800 |
All Stats +4 |
- |
Locked Chests: Magatsu Mandala 2F; Tanaka's Amazing Commodities 11/13 |
応龍ブレスレット |
Ouryu Brace |
30,000 |
All Stats +5 |
Torrent Gear (10)/奔流の歯車(10) |
Magatsu Mandala: Slaughter Drive |
神の寵愛 |
God's Love |
- |
All Stats +10 |
- |
Locked Chests: Yomotsu Hirasaka 4F |