Fusion Recipes
Personas with their names in bold can only be fused through the listed method. Others can be fused in other ways as well.
Fusion Calculator at www.uhubu.info
Level | JPN | Arcana | ENG | Recipe(s) | Notes |
1 | イザナギ | Fool | Izanagi | Fool Yomotsu-shikome x Fool Obariyon | - |
2 | ピクシー | Magician | Pixie | Magician Orobas x Magician Jack Frost | - |
2 | スライム | Chariot | Slime | Chariot Nata Taishi x Chariot Eligor | - |
3 | ウコバク | Devil | Ukobach | Devil Lilim x Devil Vetala | - |
4 | エンジェル | Justice | Angel | Magician Pixie x Strength Sandman | - |
4 | アプサラス | Temperance | Apsaras | Magician Pixie x Fool Izanagi; Magician Pixie x Chariot Slime | - |
5 | ザントマン | Strength | Sandman | Magician Pixie x Justice Angel | - |
6 | ナタタイシ | Chariot | Nata Taishi | Chariot Eligor x Chariot Slime | - |
6 | フォルネウス | Hermit | Forneus | Chariot Slime x Death Ghoul | - |
7 | オモイカネ | Hierophant | Omoikane | Fool Izanagi x Temperance Apsaras | - |
7 | ヨモツシコメ | Fool | Yomotsu-shikome | Fool Izanagi x Fool Obariyon | - |
8 | ヴァルキリー | Strength | Valkyrie | Chariot Slime x Sun Cu Sith | - |
8 | オロバス | Magician | Orobas | Fool Izanagi x Strength Sandman; Chariot Slime x Temperance Apsaras | - |
9 | センリ | Empress | Senri | Empress Titania x Empress Yaksini; Magician Orobas x Hermit Forneus | - |
9 | グール | Death | Ghoul | Hierophant Omoikane x Empress Senri | - |
10 | リリム | Devil | Lilim | Fool Izanagi x Sun Cu Sith | - |
10 | カーシー | Sun | Cu Sith | Fool Izanagi x Chariot Slime; Priestess Saki Mitama Hierophant Omoikane | - |
11 | サキミタマ | Priestess | Saki Mitama | Priestess Sarasvati x Priestess High Pixie; Empress Senri x Devil Ukobach | - |
11 | シルフ | Temperance | Sylph | Magician Pixie x Chariot Nata Taishi; Fool Izanagi x Magician Jack Frost | - |
11 | アークエンジェル | Justice | Archangel | Chariot Slime x Empress Senri; Magician Pixie x Strength Titan; Fool Izanagi x Magician Pixie x Chariot Slime | - |
12 | エリゴール | Chariot | Eligor | Magician Pixie x Sun Cu Sith; Fool Izanagi x Magician Pixie x Strength Sandman | - |
12 | オベロン | Emperor | Oberon | Strenght Sandman x Magician Pixie x Chariot Slime | - |
13 | オバリヨン | Fool | Obariyon | Chariot Slime x Strenght Sandman x Death Ghoul | - |
14 | モコイ | Death | Mokoi | Temperance Sylph x Hangedman Berith | - |
14 | ティターン | Strength | Titan | Chariot Nata Taishi x Sun Cu Sith | - |
15 | アンズー | Hierophant | Anzu | Temperance Sylph x Fool Yomotsu-shikome | - |
15 | ベリス | Hangedman | Berith | Death Ghoul x Strength Valkyrie | - |
16 | ジャックフロスト | Magician | Jack Frost | Hierophant Omoikane x Temperance Sylph; Chariot Eligor x Strength Titan | - |
16 | カイチ | Temperance | Xiezhai | Devil Lilim x Fool Obariyon | - |
17 | イッポンダタラ | Hermit | Ippon-datara | Devil Ukobach x Temperance Sylph; Death Ghoul x Fool Obariyon | - |
17 | サラスヴァティ | Priestess | Sarasvati | Justice Archangel x Hangedman Berith | - |
18 | アラミタマ | Chariot | Ara Mitama | Fool Obariyon x Hierophant Anzu | - |
18 | ヤクシニー | Empress | Yaksini | Death Ghoul x Sun Cu Sith | - |
19 | プリンシパリティ | Justice | Principality | Hierophant Anzu x Hermit Ippon-datara; Moon Andra x Strength Sandman | - |
19 | ヴェータラ | Devil | Vetala | Fool Obariyon x Sun Cu Sith | - |
20 | アンドラス | Moon | Andra | Fool Izanagi x Empress Senri Chariot Slime x Justice Angel x Chariot Nata Taishi; Devil Lilim x Chariot Eligor | - |
20 | ホウオウ | Sun | Phoenix | Death Ghoul x Hermit Ippon-datara | - |
21 | シーサー | Hierophant | Shiisa | Priestess Saki Mitama X Temperance Nigi Mitama | - |
21 | レギオン | Fool | Legion | Fool Obariyon x Fool Ose | - |
22 | キングフロスト | Emperor | King Frost | Devil Lilim x Hierophant Anzu | - |
22 | ハイピクシー | Priestess | High Pixie | Justice Angel x Magican Pixie x Fortune Fortuna; Hangedman Berith x Death Matador Moon Andras x Hangedman Berith | - |
22 | ヨモツイクサ | Hangedman | Yomotsu-ikusa | Strength Valkyrie x Death Matador | - |
23 | ラクシャーサ | Strength | Rakshasa | Fool Obariyon x Hermit Ippon-datara; Justice Principality x Magician Jack Frost | - |
23 | ニギミタマ | Temperance | Nigi Mitama | Strength Titan x Justice Principality | - |
24 | マタドール | Death | Matador | Hierophant Anzu x Hangedman Berith; Pristess Saki Mitama x Fool Legion; Priestess Saki Mitama x Fool Ose; Priestess Ganga x Fool Obariyon | - |
24 | キウン | Star | Kaiwan | Devil Lilim x Death Ghoul | - |
25 | クイーンメイブ | Lovers | Queen Mab | Fool Izanagi x Chariot Slime x Empress Senri; Tower Tao Tie x Death Ghoul; Devil Incubus x Hanged Makami x Hierophant Omoikane | - |
25 | アレス | Chariot | Ares | Empress Yaksini x Death Matador; Sun Phoenix x Magician Jack Frost | - |
25 | カハク | Magician | Hua Po | Chariot Eligor x Temperance Nigi Mitama; Moon Andra x Emperor Oberon | - |
26 | ラミア | Hermit | Lamia | Chariot Eligor x Death Matador | - |
26 | ティターニア | Empress | Titania | Death Mokoi x Sun Gdon; Hangedman Makami x Emperor King Frost | - |
27 | パワー | Justice | Power | Hierophant Shiisa x Hermit Lamia | - |
27 | ノズチ | Moon | Nozuchi | Emperor King Frost x Empress Yaksini | - |
27 | マカミ | Hangedman | Makami | Temperance Apsaras x Moon Alraune | - |
28 | クシミタマ | Strength | Kusi Mitama | Sun Cu Sith x Moon Alraune; Emperor King Frost x Magician Hua Po | - |
28 | インキュバス | Devil | Incubus | Empress Yaksini x Temperance Nigi Mitama | - |
29 | ガンガー | Priestess | Ganga | Death Ghoul x Moon Alraune | - |
29 | ユニコーン | Hierophant | Unicorn | Chariot Eligor x Star Fuu-ki; Strength Oni x Hangedman Yomotsu-ikusa; Priestess Ganga x Temperance Nigi Mitama; Temperance Xiezhai x Lovers Undine | - |
30 | オニ | Strength | Oni | Hangedman Makami x Fool Ose | - |
31 | ミトラ | Temperance | Mithra | Justice Power x Strength Oni; Magician Hua Po x Chariot Ares | - |
31 | オセ | Fool | Ose | Emperor King Frost x Priestess High Pixie x Strength Rakshasa; Fool Decarabia x Fool Shiki-ouji | - |
31 | ドゥン | Sun | Gdon | Chariot Nata Taishi x Moon Alraune; Death Matador x Hermit Lamia | - |
32 | ジャックランタン | Magician | Pyro Jack | Chariot Ares x Temperance Mithra | - |
32 | ネコショウグン | Star | Neko Shogun | Chariot Ara Mitama x Kusi Mitama x Saki Mitama x Nigi Mitama | - |
33 | モスマン | Hermit | Mothman | Death Ghoul x Fool Decarabia | - |
33 | ウンディーネ | Lovers | Undine | Tower Tao Tie x Death Matador; Moon Andra x Fortune Fortuna | - |
33 | ヴァーチャー | Justice | Virtue | Hierophant Unicorn x Hermit Lamia | - |
34 | セタンタ | Emperor | Setanta | Fool Obariyon x Moon Alraune; Star Garuda x Strength Sandman | - |
34 | ゴルゴン | Empress | Gorgon | Hierophant Shiisa x Moon Alraune; Fool Ose x Empress Gorgon | - |
34 | ヤマタノオロチ | Moon | Yamatano-orochi | Empress Yaksini x Fool Decarabia | - |
35 | フォルトゥナ | Fortune | Fortuna | Fool Izanagi x Magician Pixie x Chariot Slime;Fool Izanagi x Strength Sandman x Chariot Slime | - |
35 | トウテツ | Tower | Tao Tie | Temperance Sylph x Strength Kusi Mitama x Strength Oni Temperance Sylph x Strength Kusi Mitama x Hermit Mothman Temperance Sylph x Magician Orobas x Sun Phoenix _ Chariot Nata Taishi x Temperance Sylph x Strength Oni |
- |
36 | サマエル | Death | Samael | Priestess Saki Mitama x Fool Shiki-ouji; Fool Legion x Emperor Setanta | - |
36 | フラロウス | Hierophant | Flauros | Star Fuu-ki x Chariot Ara Mitama; Temperance Sylph x Fool Shiki-ouji | - |
37 | パズス | Devil | Pazuzu | Hangedman Makami x Sun Gdon | - |
37 | パールヴァティ | Priestess | Parvati | Death Matador x Moon Alraune; Moon Andra x Hanged Yatsufasa | - |
38 | ジャアクフロスト | Fool | Black Frost | Magician Pyro Jack x Magician Jack Frost x Emperor King Frost x Magician Pixie x Death Ghoul | - |
38 | ドミニオン | Justice | Dominion | Death Samael x Temperance Genbu x Hierophant Shiisa; Priestess Parvati x Moon Yamata-no-Orochi | - |
39 | オルトロス | Hangedman | Orthrus | Temperance Nigi Mitama Moon Alraune; Moon Andra x Temperance Genbu | - |
39 | ディース | Magician | Dis | Justice Archangel x Fool Shiki-ouji; Hermit Lamia x Lovers Leanan; Magician Pyro Jack x Sun Gdon x Priestess Parvati | - |
40 | ゲンブ | Temperance | Genbu | Sun Yatagarasu x Hermit Mothman; Devil Lilim x Fool Shiki-ouji | - |
40 | ヤタガラス | Sun | Yatagarasu | Chariot Eligor x Fool Shiki-ouji; Fool Black Frost x Chariot Ares; Hangedman Othrus x Magician Dis | - |
41 | アルラウネ | Moon | Alraune | Empress Gorgon x Fool Black Frost | - |
41 | ヒトコトヌシ | Hermit | Hitokotonushi | Death Matador x Fool Shiki-ouji | - |
41 | オオクニヌシ | Emperor | Okuninushi | Priestess Ganga x Star Fuu-ki; Moon Alraune x Fool Ose; Lovers Cybele x Strength Titan | - |
42 | ハヌマーン | Strength | Hanuman | Hermit Lamia x Fool Shiki-ouji; Moon Yamata-no-Orochi x Sun Gdon; Moon Andra x Justice Uriel; Moon Andra x Sun Tam Lin | - |
42 | リャナンシー | Lovers | Leanan Sidhe | Death Samael x Star Neko Shougun; Tower Cu Chulain x Justice Virtue; Emperor Setanta x Fortune Clotho; Judgement Anubis x Emperor Oberon | - |
43 | フウキ | Star | Fuu-ki | Magician Jack Frost x Moon Alraune; Moon Alraune x Magician Dis; Priesstess Parvati x Moon Yamatano-Orochi; Moon Andra x Priestess Hariti | - |
43 | トリグラフ | Chariot | Triglav | Hierophant Shiisa x Fool Shiki-ouji; Empress Titania x Star Fuu-ki; Hiero Unicorn x Fool Ose; Sun Gdon x Magician Pyro Jack | - |
44 | サキュバス | Devil | Succubus | Sun Gdon x Fool Decarabia | - |
44 | クロト | Fortune | Clotho | Hangedman Yatsufusa x Empress Gorgon x Justice Virtue; Magician Dis x Moon Alraune x Temperance Mithra | - |
44 | ガブリエル | Empress | Gabriel | Fool Ose x Star Fuu-ki | - |
45 | ホクトセイクン | Hierophant | Hokuto Seikun | Chariot Triglav x Lovers Leanan Sidhe; Temperance Nigi Mitama x Shiki-ouji | - |
45 | トート | Emperor | Thoth | Moon Alraune x Fool Decarabia; Devil Pazuzu x Priestess Parvati x Hermit Hitokoto-Nushi | - |
46 | モト | Death | Mot | Priestess Sarasvati x Fool Shiki-ouji | - |
46 | デカラビア | Fool | Decarabia | Emperor Thoth x Star Neko Shougun x Fool Black Frost; Star Neko Shougun x Devil Pazuzu x Hangedman Yomotsu-Ikusa; Sun Yatagarasu x Sun Gdon x Empress Gorgon | - |
46 | クー・フーリン | Tower | Cu Chulain | Star Neko Shougun x Temperance Mithra x Fool Black Frost; Priestess Parvati x Temperance Mithra x Fool Black Frost; | - |
47 | ランダ | Magician | Rangda | Hierophant Flauros x Temperance Seiryuu; Hangedman Yatsufusa x Empress Gorgon x Emperor Setanta; Devil Succubus x Justice Dominion | - |
47 | ナラシンハ | Sun | Narasimha | Moon Alraune x Chariot Triglav; Moon Girimehkala X Chariot Triglav | - |
47 | セイリュウ | Temperance | Seiryuu | Hangedman Yatsufusa x Empress Gorgon; Strenght Hanuman x Sun Narasimha | - |
48 | キクリヒメ | Priestess | Kikuri-hime | Empress Gorgon x Sun Yatagarasu | - |
48 | クラマテング | Hermit | Kurama Tengu | Sun Yatagarasu x Temperance Seiryuu; Tower Cu Chulain x Hangedman Yatsufusa | - |
48 | ギリメカラ | Moon | Girimehkala | Hangedman Yatsufusa x Lovers Undine; Emperor Setanta x Devil Lilith | - |
49 | ヤツフサ | Hangedman | Yatsufusa | Emperor Thoth x Hangedman Orthrus x Hangedman Makami x Sun Narasimha x Hermit Mothman | - |
49 | ソロネ | Justice | Throne | Star Ganesha x Hermit Mothman; Hangedman Yatsufusa x Empress Gorgon x Temperance Mithra | - |
50 | ガネーシャ | Star | Ganesha | Fool Decarabia x Tower Cu Chulain; Hangedman Yatsufusa x Temperance Mithra x Fool Black Frost | - |
50 | カーリー | Strength | Kali | Hangedman Yatsufusa x Fool Black Frost; Empress Skadi x Emperor Setanta x Emperor Okuninushi; Tower Cu Chulain x Empress Gorgon x Hangedman Yatsufusa; | - |
51 | パピルサグ | Emperor | Pabilsag | Moon Alraune x Fool Shiki-ouji | - |
51 | ラケシス | Fortune | Lachesis | Hangedman Yatsufusa x Fool Black Frost x Justice Virtue; Justice Dominion x Hangedman Taowu x Fool Ose | - |
52 | ケルベロス | Hierophant | Cerberus | Star Ganesha x Temperance Seiryuu; Tower Cu Chulain x Lovers Undine x Fool Decarabia | - |
52 | スカディ | Empress | Skadi | Star Fuu-ki x Fool Decarabia | - |
53 | リリス | Devil | Lilith | Hangedman Yatsufusa x Sun Yatagarasu; Emperor Okuninushi x Justice Throne | - |
53 | タムリン | Sun | Tam Lin | Sun Gdon x Sun Phoenix x Sun Narasimha x Sun Yatagarasu | - |
53 | ラファエル | Lovers | Raphael | Tower Cu Chulain x Justice Dominion; Justice Dominion x Fortune Lachesis; Justice Dominion x Sun Yatagarasu x Priestess Parvati | - |
54 | キンキ | Chariot | Kin-ki | Tower Cu Chulain x Sun Yatagarasu; Hangedman Yatsufusa x Empress Gorgon x Sun Yatagarasu | - |
54 | スザク | Temperance | Suzaku | Magician Dis x Fool Shiki-ouji; Judgement Anubis x Temperance Seiryuu x Justice Dominion; Devil Succubus x Fool Shiki-ouji | - |
55 | ニーズホッグ | Hermit | Nidhoggr | Judgement Anubis x Justice Dominion x Star Ganesha | - |
55 | アバドン | Tower | Abaddon | Hanged Yatsufusa x Fortune Lachesis x Empress Gorgon;Tower Mara x Tower Masakado | - |
56 | トウコツ | Hangedman | Taowu | Tower Cu Chulain x Star Neko Shougun; Hangedman Yatsufusa x Empress Gorgon x Lovers Queen Mab; Moon Grimehkala x Lovers Leanan Sidhe; Judgement Anubis x Fortune Fortuna | - |
56 | シキオウジ | Fool | Shiki-ouji | Fool Black Frost x Magican Dis x Death White Rider; Empress Gorgon x Death White Rider x Moon Sui-ki | - |
57 | ガルーダ | Star | Garuda | Tower Mara x Emperor Okuninushi; Devil Succubus x Death White Rider; Judgement Trumpeter x Hermit Mothman; Judgement Anubis x Fool Shiki-ouji x Lovers Queen Mab | - |
57 | スイキ | Moon | Sui-ki | Hangedman Hell Biker x Lovers Undine | - |
58 | ウリエル | Justice | Uriel | Priestess Hariti x Strength Hanuman; Hangedman Hell Biker x Justice Dominion x Sun Yatagarasu | - |
58 | ホワイトライダー | Death | White Rider | Hangedman Hell Biker x Temperance Seiryuu; Empress Isis x Chariot Ares; Tower Cu Chulain x Star Ganesha x Hangedman Yatsufusa; Lovers Leanan Sidhe x Hierophant Cerberus | - |
58 | アナンタ | Fortune | Ananta | Fortune Fortuna x Hangedman Hell Biker x Fool Shiki-ouji | - |
59 | ハリティー | Priestess | Hariti | Hangedman Hell Biker x Justice Dominion | - |
59 | アヌビス | Judgement | Anubis | Sun Cu Sith x Tower Tao Tie x Justice Angel Strength Sandman x Tower Tao Tie x Sun Cu Sith Justice Archangel x Strength Valkyrie x Temperance Apsaras Hierophant Anzu x Strength Titan x Justice Principality Star Neko Shogun x Fool Shiki-ouji x Hanged Yatsufusa Chariot Slime x Temperance Apsaras x Priestess Sarasvati |
- |
60 | だいそうじょう | Hierophant | Daisoujou | Lovers Raphael x Chariot Kin-ki; Hangedman Hell Biker x Star Ganesha x Moon Yamatano-orochi | - |
60 | マザーハーロット | Empress | Mother Harlot | Hangedman Hell Biker x Star Ganesha; Judgement Anubis x Hanged Yatsufasa | - |
61 | ジャターユ | Sun | Jatayu | Hierophant Cerberus x Priestess Kikuri-hime; Judgement Anubis x Priestess Hariti; Tower Cu Chulain x Hangedman Yatsufusa x Fool Decarabia | - |
61 | ベルフェゴール | Devil | Belphegor | Lovers Raphael x Sun Jatayu; Hangedman Hell Biker x Sun Yatagarasu | - |
62 | ビャッコ | Temperance | Byakko | Hangedman Hell Biker x Empress Skadi; Temperance Genbu x Temperance Suzaku x Temperance Seiryuu | - |
62 | マーラ | Tower | Mara | Fool Shiki-ouji x Temperance Seiryuu x Star Ganesha; Throne + Jatayu + White Rider ; Kin-Ki + Cerberus + Lilith | - |
62 | ジン | Magician | Jinn | Justice Dominion x Fool Shiki-ouji; Hangedman Hell Biker x Justice Dominion x Star Ganesha | - |
63 | ジークフリード | Strength | Siegfried | Hangedman Hell Biker x Fool Shiki-ouji; Empress Skadi x Fool Shiki-ouji x Tower Abaddon; Fool Shiki-ouji x Hermit Nebiros; Fool Shiki-ouji x Hanged Taowu | - |
63 | ネビロス | Hermit | Nebiros | Strength Siegfried x Devil Belphegor; Tower Mara x Empress Mother Harlot; Judgement Trumpeter x Empress Gabriel x Fool Shiki-ouji | - |
64 | ロキ | Fool | Loki | Fool Decarabia x Hermit Niddhoggr x Empress Mother Harlot; Lovers Ishtar x Empress Isis x Sun Horus; Lovers Ishtar x Fool Shiki-ouji x Hangedman Vasuki; Judgement Trumpeter x Fool Black Frost x Temperance Byakko | Fool Maxed |
64 | キュベレ | Lovers | Cybele | Judgement Trumpeter x Justice Throne; Death White Rider x Star Ganesha; Judgement Anubis x Justice Uriel | - |
65 | バロン | Emperor | Barong | Devil Belphegor x Fortune Lachesis; Judgement Trumpeter x Justice Throne x Tower Tao Tie; Tower Mara x Devil Belial | - |
65 | トール | Chariot | Thor | Sun Jatayu x Emperor Barong; Hangedman Taowu x Hangedman Hell Biker x Death Samael | - |
65 | アトロポス | Fortune | Atropos | Lovers Ishtar x Hierophant Hachiman x Star Helel; Death White Rider x Judgement Anubis x Hermit Nidhoggr | - |
66 | ヘルズエンジェル | Hangedman | Hell Biker | Judgement Anubis x Fool Shiki-ouji | - |
66 | メルキセデク | Justice | Melchizedek | Star Kartikeya x Hermit Nidhoggr; Fool Shiki-ouji x Hangedman Hell Biker x Sun Yatagarasu | - |
67 | トランペッター | Judgement | Trumpeter | Death Matador x Death White Rider x Hierophant Daisoujou x Emperor Pabilsag x Hangedman Taowu x Tower Tao Tie | - |
67 | カルティケーヤ | Star | Kartikeya | Judgement Anubis x Hermit Nidhoggr; Judgement Anubis x Fool Shiki-ouji x Star Ganesha | - |
68 | セト | Moon | Seth | Devil Belphegor x Chariot Kin-ki | - |
68 | ホルス | Sun | Horus | Hierophant Hachiman x Chariot Thor; Fool Shiki-ouji x Hangedman Hell Biker x Star Ganesha | - |
68 | ベリアル | Devil | Belial | Sun Horus x Hangedman Hell Biker | - |
69 | スルト | Magician | Surt | Emperor Barong x Moon Seth | - |
69 | マサカド | Tower | Masakado | Judgement Trumpeter x Sun Jatayu x Tower Cu Chulain; Fortune Ananta x Tower Cu Chulain x Emperor Odin; Fool Shiki-Ouji x Sun Jatayu x Death White Rider | - |
69 | ユルング | Temperance | Yurlungur | Hermit Arahabaki x Sun Tam Lin; Moon Sui-ki x Empress Isis; Fool Shiki-Ouji x Empress Mother Harlot x Hermit Nebiros; Empress Alilat x Hanged Taowu | - |
70 | ツィツィミトル | Priestess | Tzitzimitl | Judgement Trumpeter x Empress Skadi; Tower Cu Chulain x Moon Sandalphon | - |
70 | アリラト | Empress | Alilat | Judgement Trumpeter x Hangedman Vasuki; Hermit Arahabaki x Fortune Lachesis; Death White Rider x Hangedman Taowu x Hierophant Daisoujou | - |
70 | ハチマン | Hierophant | Hachiman | Death White Rider x Hangedman Taowu x Judgement Anubis; Judgement Michael x Emperor Oukuninushi x Chariot Atavaka | - |
71 | イシュタル | Lovers | Ishtar | Justice Uriel x Judgement Michael; Judgement Anubis x Devil Belial x Priestess Hariti(Lovers Raphael); Judgement Trumpeter x Judgement Anubis x Star Kartikeya (Hermit Nebiros); Judgement Anubis x Justice Sraosha | Lovers Maxed |
71 | ヴァスキ | Hangedman | Vasuki | Hierophant Hachiman x Tower Mara | - |
72 | ノルン | Fortune | Norn | Fortune Clotho x Fortune Lachesis x Fortune Atropos | Fortune Maxed |
72 | アリス | Death | Alice | Hermit Nebiros x Devil Belial | - |
72 | アタバク | Chariot | Atavaka | Tower Cu Chulain x Sun Asura; Sun Horus x Tower Mara | - |
72 | ミカエル | Judgement | Michael | Justice Uriel x Hermit Nidhoggr x Death White Rider; Sun Horus x Hierophant Hachiman x Tower Cu Chulain | - |
73 | アラハバキ | Hermit | Arahabaki | Emperor Barong x Hermit Nidhoggr x Justice Melchizedek | - |
73 | ヴィシュヌ | Temperance | Vishnu | Hangedman Attis x Empress Isis; Sun Sparna x Hermit Nebiros; Chariot Futsunushi x Judgement Satan | Temperance Maxed |
74 | スラオシャ | Justice | Sraosha | Hangedman Vasuki x Devil Belial; Magician Mada x Empress Isis; Lovers Ishtar x Emperor Odin | Justice Maxed |
74 | オーディン | Emperor | Odin | Moon Sandalphon x Star Helel; Fool Loki x Temperance Vishnu x Star Kartikeya (Temperance Byakko) | Emperor Maxed |
75 | ヨシツネ | Tower | Yoshitsune | Hierophant Hachiman x Tower Masakado x Emperor Okuninushi x Hermit Hitokotonushi x Fool Shiki-ouji | - |
75 | サトゥルヌス | Star | Saturnus | Magician Surt x Moon Seth; Judgement Trumpeter x Hangedman Hell Biker x Judgement Anubis | - |
76 | コウリュウ | Hierophant | Kohryuu | Temperance Byakko x Temperance Suzaku x Temperance Seiryuu x Temperance Genbu | Hierophant Maxed |
76 | サタン | Judgement | Satan | Hierophant Kohryu x Chariot Thor x Strength Siegfried; Judgement Michael x Tower Yoshitsune x Chariot Thor; Judgement Anubis x Judgement Trumpeter x Judgement Michael | - |
77 | バアル・ゼブル | Moon | Baal Zebul | Hell Biker x Ishtar; Empress Isis x Emperor Odin; Empress Isis x Magician Mada x Priestess Parvati | - |
77 | スパルナ | Sun | Sparna | Priestess Hariti x Tower Mara x Moon Baal Zebul; Hierophant Kohryu x Strength Siegfried (or Chariot Thor) | - |
78 | マダ | Magician | Mada | Sun Horus x Devil Belphegor x Justice Melchizedek;Temperance Yurlungur x Chariot Atavaka; Empress Alilat x Hermit Arahabaki | Magician Maxed |
78 | マハカーラ | Death | Mahakala | Death Matador x Hierophant Daisoujou x Empress Mother Harlot x Death White Rider x Judgement Trumpeter x Hangedman Hell Biker | Death Maxed |
79 | イシス | Empress | Isis | Sun Asura x Hangedman Yatsufusa x Hangedman Vasuki; Sun Sparna x Tower Mara x Hierophant Hachiman (or Daishojo); Death Alice x Judgement Trumpeter x Priestess Hariti | Empress Maxed |
79 | スカアハ | Priestess | Scathach | Emperor Odin x Hermit Arahabaki ; Empress Isis x Sun Suparna; Priestess Tzitzimitl x Hanged Hell Biker Moon Seth | Priestess Maxed |
80 | フツヌシ | Chariot | Futsunushi | Chariot Atavaka x Chariot Triglav x Chariot Kin-ki x Chariot Ares x Star Neko Shougun | Chariot Maxed |
80 | シヴァ | Tower | Shiva | Magician Rangda x Emperor Barong | Tower Maxed |
81 | ベルゼブブ | Devil | Beelzebub | Devil Belial x Devil Belphegor x Moon Baal Zebul x Moon Seth x Death Mot x Devil Pazuzu | Devil Maxed |
82 | アティス | Hangedman | Attis | Star Helel x Tower Masakado; Justice Uriel x Sun Sparna x Moon Baal Zebul | Hanged Man Maxed |
82 | オンギョウキ | Hermit | Ongyo-ki | Chariot Kin-ki x Moon Sui-ki x Star Fuu-ki x Strength Oni | Hermit Maxed |
83 | メタトロン | Judgement | Metatron | Tower Yoshi(t)sune x Fortune Norn(Judgement Satan) x Magician Surt(Justice Sraosha); Tower Shiva x Death Mahakala x Tower Yoshi(t)sune; Judgement Anubis(Judgement Trumpeter) x Judgement Michael x Judgement Satan | - |
84 | サンダルフォン | Moon | Sandalphon | Star Helel x Justice Sraosha | Moon Maxed |
86 | アスラおう | Sun | Asura | Magician Mada x Hangedman Attis; Lovers Ishtar x Empress Isis x Moon Baal Zebul; Priestess Scathach x Judgement Satan; Justice Sraosha x Hierophant Hachiman x Magician Mada | Sun Maxed |
87 | ルシフェル | Star | Helel | Magician Mada x Moon Baal Zebul; Hierophant Kohryuu x Chariot Atavaka x Tower Masakado; Fool Loki x Hangedman Vasuki x Hangedman Attis; Empress Isis x Fortune Norn; Tower Yoshitsune x Magican Surt x Justice Sraosha | Star Maxed |
90 | アルダー | Judgement | Ardha | Tower Shiva x Priestess Parvati | Tower Maxed |
90 | ザオウゴンゲン | Strength | Zaou Gongen | Hermit Arahabaki x Fool Shiki-ouji; Moon Sandalphon x Sun Asura; Hierophant Daisoujou x Sun Horus (or Sparna); Moon Baal Zebul x Sun Horus (or Sparna); Magician Surt x Temperance Yurlungur; Emperor Barong x Magician Mada; Hanged Taowu x Emperor Barong x Hermit Nebiros (or Chariot Thor or Lovers Cybele) | Strength Maxed |
91 | 伊邪那岐大神 | World | Izanagi Okami | Fool Izanagi x Strength Sandman x Chariot Nata Taishi x Moon Girimehkala x Fortune Norn x Emperor Okuninushi x Hangedman Orthrus x Star Kartikeya x Temperance Mithra x Priestess Tzitzimitl x Tower Cu Chulain x Fool Legion | Second play or later + saw true ending before |
93 | ルシファー | Judgement | Lucifer | Fortune Ananta x Judgement Michael x Judgement Metatron x Judgement Satan x Judgement Trumpeter x Judgement Anubis | Judgment Maxed |
- list item
page revision: 130, last edited: 17 Oct 2012 06:13