# Quest Where/Who Walk through Time period Reward Condition
1 Acquire an Angel Statue
Classroom 2-2, weak-looking female classmate (気の弱そうな女生徒) Can be obtained from Avenger Knight 征服の騎士 (Yukiko’s Castle, 6-7/F) 5/2~ Chest Key (宝箱の鍵)×3
2 Acquire a Demon Statue
School corridor, 2/F; weird-looking male classmate(奇妙な男子生徒) Can be obtained from Magical Magus マジカルマグス (Yukiko’s Castle, 6-7/F) 5/2~8/31 Dokudami Tea (どくだみ茶)×3
3 The Girl on the Rooftop
Classroom 2-2, male classmate Talk to the girl on the rooftop for 3 times (1 time/day; N/A if rainy); talk about her hobbies. 4/25~ Goho-M (カエレール)
4 Acquire a Ritz Wire
1/F corridor, Practice Building (実習棟), male classmate Can be obtained from Heat Balance 炎と氷のバランサー (Yukiko’s Castle, 6-7/F) 5/2~ Olympic Tape (楽勝命中テープ)
5 Acquire Mori Ranmaru Shochu
Bank of the Samegawa floodplain (河川敷), male Obtain Mori Ranmaru Shochu (幻の芋焼酎 森蘭丸) from the liquor store in the first dungeon (コニシ酒店, 異様な商店街). Then talk to the guy again 5/1~ 4000 yen
6 I Wish for Love
Get the ema from the shrine, talk to the girl at the school lobby 1. Talk to the girl at the school lobby
2. In the next day, talk to the girl in the 2/F corridor, Classroom Building (教室棟), choose “I Did (読んだ)”
3. In the next day, talk to the girl on the 2/F again
4. Report back to Kitsune
Hermit Rk 1
7 Desk Refurbishing
2/F corridor, Practice Building (実習棟), female student Obtain a Board (しっくりくる板) from Laughing Table 笑うテーブル (Yukiko’s Castle, 6-7/F) 5/18~ Royal Jelly (ロイヤルゼリー)×5
8 Book Exchange
Shopping District South (商店街南), guy looking at the bookstore Give him a Peach Seed (白桃の実). You can get this item in the red chests in any dungeon 5/23~ The Gentle Way (THE 柔道)
9 Acquire an Old Key
Bank of the Samegawa floodplain (河川敷), middle-aged lady Obtain an Old Key (古びた鍵) from Bribed Fuzz ファズ (Steamy Bath House, 1-2/F) 6/5~ Knowledge & Courage UP
10 Extracurricular Activities
2/F staircase, Classroom Building (教室棟), Ms. Sofue Obtain a Suspicious Pole (いわく有りげな鉄の棒) from Trance Twins (トランスツインズ) (Yukiko’s Castle, 3-5/F) 5/18~ Pulsating stone (脈打ってる石)
11 Acquire Coal
Shopping District North (商店街北), loud-speaking old man (声の大きな老人) Obtain Coal (石炭) from Selfish Basalt バザルト(Steamy Bath House, 7-8/F) 6/5~ 15000 yen
12 Desk Refurbishing, Part 2
2/F corridor, Practice Building (実習棟), female student Obtain a Reflecting Board (反射板) from Crying Table 泣くテーブル(Steamy Bath House, 9-10/F) 6/7~ Snuff Soul (スナフソウル)×2 #7 cleared
13 I Wish I Didn't Crave Snacks
Get the ema from the shrine, talk to the slim lady (スリムな女性) on Shopping District South 1. Talk to the slim lady
2. Obtain Meat Gum (肉ガム×3) from Chie, talk to the lady again
3. Report back to Kitsune
Hermit Rk 2
14 Please Feed the Cat
Shopping District South (商店街南), guy looking at the bookstore Head to the bank of the Samegawa floodplain (河川敷), feed the cat some fish. You can get fish through TV Tanaka or fishing 6/3~ The Punk's Way (THE 外道) #8 cleared
15 Acquire a Crooked Cross
Classroom 2-2, weak-looking female classmate (気の弱そうな女生徒) Obtain a Crooked Cross (変わった十字架) from Tranquil Idol 静寂のマリア(Steamy Bath House, 7-8/F) 6/7~ Ointment (軟膏薬)×3 #1 cleared
16 Acquire a Horn
Shopping District South (商店街南), old housewife (老主婦) Can be obtained from (壮麗な角) from Grave Beetle 死甲蟲(Steamy Bath House, 9-10/F) 6/9~ 18000 yen
17 Please Find My Younger Twin
Shopping District South (商店街南), well-dressed girl (オシャレな女の子) Talk to her twin sister who is resting at the bank of the Samegawa floodplain (河川敷) 6/9~ Goho-M (カエレール)×5
18 Carbon Copy
Bank of the Samegawa floodplain (河川敷河原), the younger of the twin sisters Obtain a flower brooch (フラワーブローチ) from Soul Dancer ソウルダンサー (Marukyu Striptease , 1-3/F) 7/13~ Value Medicine (お得用傷薬セット)×3 #17 cleared
19 Acquire a Silver Lump
1/F corridor, Practice Building (実習棟), male classmate Obtain a Silver Lump (銀の塊) from Silver Dice シルバーダイス (Marukyu Striptease , 7-8/F) 6/30~ Uplifting Radio (高揚ゲルマラジオ)×2 #4 cleared
20 We Wish Our Dog Would Return
Get the ema from the shrine then go find the dog at the Samegawa floodplain (鮫川河川敷) 1. Talk to the dog.
2. Talk gently (やさしく話しかける) to the dog at Shopping District North (商店街北)
3. The next day, Talk Gently to the dog again at the bank of the floodplain (河川敷). Repeat for several days - the dog will move between the floodplain and the shopping district.
4. Feed the dog with something like Beef Skewer (ビフテキ串), you can buy one from Souzai Daigaku
Hermit Rk 3
21 Acquire a Charmed Veil
Classroom 2-2, weak-looking female classmate (気の弱そうな女生徒) Obtain a Charmed Veil (魔除けのヴェール) from Liberating Idol 解放のマリア (Marukyu Striptease , 5-10/F) 7/12~ Chest Key (宝箱の鍵)×5 #15 cleared
22 Acquire Hard Boots
Shopping District South (商店街南), guy looking at the bookstore Obtain 10 thick hide (重厚な皮) from Dancing Hand ダンシングハンド (Steamy Bath House , 5-8/F) have them processed at Daidara, then buy one to trade with the man. 7/3~ Guide To Pests (害虫図鑑b);5000 yen #14 cleared
23 Who's the Riddle Master!?
3/F corridor, Classroom Building (教室棟), student with an afro Reply "Group A" (Aグループ), then choose "They're top 6 flag color's" (硬貨に描かれている植物) 4/18~ Chest Key (宝箱の鍵)×3
24 Acquire an Eternal Lamp
Bank of the floodplain (河川敷), the Refreshed Old Guy (シャッキリしたおじさん) Obtain an Eternal Lamp (消えないランプ) from Amenti Raven アメンティレイヴン (Void Quest , 3-4/F) 8/22~ 30000 yen -
25 Feed the Cat
Bank of the floodplain (河川敷), feed the cat fish Give the kitty about seven fish (< unconfirmed amount) 6/3~ Heal Jelly (ヒールゼリー) #14 cleared
26 I Wish I Had Friends
Man at the Samegawa Floodplain (鮫川河川敷) 1. Talk to the boy
2. Give him a Prize Sticker (時価ネットシール) by choosing “そんなつもりは無い” (That's not what I'm doing), then “あげる” (Give it to him); you can get the seal by ordering from TV Tanaka - a sticker will come with your delivery.
3. Come back the next day and he will return your Prize Sticker and ask for another one. Talk to Nanako. First ask her about something (菜々子に聞いてみる) and say thanks (ありがとう) to receive a Tankiriman Sticker (タンキリマンシール)
4. The next day, talk to the boy again and give him the sticker.
Note: Tankiri means Phlegm-preventing (don’t ask me why)
Hermit Rk 4
27 Acquire Some Fashionable Dishes
Shopping District South (商店街南), guy looking at the bookstore Obtain three Fashionable Dishes (オシャレな受け皿) from Sky Balance (雷と風のバランサー) (Marukyu Striptease , 9-10/F) 8/9~ Riddlemania (なぞなぞだいすき), 10000 yen #22 cleared
28 Carbon Copy, Part 2
Samegawa Floodplain (河川敷河原), the younger of the twin sisters Obtain a Leaf Pochette (リーフポシェット) from Blind Cupid (クビド) (Void Quest , 3-4/F) 8/22~ Macca Leaf (マカの葉)×3 #18 cleared
29 Experiments in Telepathy
Shopping District South (商店街南), the older of the twin sisters (オシャレな女の子) Talk to the younger sister at the floodplain, choose “黒くて甘くて四角いもの” (First choice for US) 9/5~ Dokudami Tea (どくだみ茶)×5 #28 cleared
30 I Wish My Life Had Meaning Again
Shopping District North, guy in front of the model store 1. Talk to the guy, choose “Want me to make it?” (作ろうか?), obtain Unfinished Model (未完成のプラモデル)
2. Work on the model for four nights in your room at the work table (プラモデルを作る) to get your finished model MS-09S Brahman (量産型ブラフマン)
4. Talk to him again to finish the quest and obtain another Unfinished Model (Which will become a Heavy-Armor Agni when completed)
Unfinished model (未完成のプラモデル) Hermit Rk 5
31 Extracurricular Activities 2
2/F staircase, Classroom Building (教室棟), Ms. Sofue Obtain a piece of Culurium (クルルマメタル) from Steel Machine (鋼鉄の巨兵) (Void Quest , 9/F) 9/20~ Mysterious Scarab (神秘のスカラベ)×2 #10 cleared
32 Acquire a Crystal Ball
3/F staircase, Classroom Building (教室棟), Mrs. Nakayama Obtain a crystal ball (水晶玉) from Constancy Relic (維持の彫像)(Secret Lab, B1-2) 10/8~ 35000 yen -
33 Acquire a Fine Coal
Shopping District North (商店街北), loud-speaking old man (声の大きな老人) Obtain Fine Coal (極上の石炭) from Power Castle (パワーキャッスル)(Secret Lab, B7-8) 10/9~ 40000 yen #11 cleared
34 A Test of Literary Memory
Shopping District South (商店街南), guy looking at the bookstore Reply “Judo medalists' names”, “How one should live as a punk”, “2 pages per pest”, “Me” (技の威力, 外道の作法, 2ページ, わたし) 9/26~ Who Am I? (おおいなるそんざい) #27 cleared
35 Desk Refurbishing, Part 3
2/F corridor, Practice Building (実習棟), female student Obtain 3 Proof of Passion (熱魂の証) from Furious Gigas (激震のギガス)(Secret Lab, B3-4) 10/1~ Bead (宝玉) #12 cleared
36 I Wish I Was Better at Speaking
School roof top, female (Understanding & Courage Rank 3, non-rainy day) 1. Talk to the girl, choose “Looks like you would like to learn to better speak” and “Let me teach you”(口下手を直したいらしいね,話し方を教える)
2. The next day, tell her “It sometimes needs courage to apologize” (時には謝る勇気が必要)
Hermit Rk 6
37 Acquire a High-Speed Gear
1/F Classroom Building, girl with glasses Obtain High-Speed Gear (高速ギア) from Mach Wheel (マッハフォート)(Secret Lab, B5-6) 10/8~ Physical Mirror (物反鏡)×3 -
38 A Twin's Independence
Floodplain (河川敷河原), the younger of the twin sisters Obtain a Branch Headband (ブランチカチューシャ) from Elegant Mother (イデアマザー)(Secret Lab, B7-8) 10/9~11/17 Bead Chain (宝玉輪) #28 cleared
39 Acquire a Training Shell
3/F Classroom Building, the principal Obtain a Training Shell (演習弾) from Wicked Turret (邪悪の砲座)(Secret Lab, B7-8) 10/8~ Understanding & Diligence UP -
40 Experiments in Telepathy, Part 2
Shopping District South (商店街南), well-dressed girl (オシャレな女の子) Talk to the younger sister at the floodplain, then the sister, then repeat this until the quest is done. 10/31~11/17 Super Sonic (スーパーソニック)×3 #29 and 38 cleared
41 I’d Wish I Didn't Fear Cats
Bank of the Samegawa floodplain (河川敷), guy 1. Talk to the guy, ask him about cats (猫?)
2. Return to Dojima Residence and talk to the cat outside your house
3. Choose “Bring here” (連れてくる)
4. If you don't already have one, go fishing for a Red Goldfish (the “cute fish” he speaks of). The next day, talk to the guy, choose “Show him” (見せてみる) to show him the fish (紅金)
5. The next day, talk to the guy again
Hermit Rk 7, #14 cleared
42 I Wish My Wallet Would Return
Bank of the Samegawa floodplain (河川敷), female 1. Talk to the lady, then search the sign at the floodplain to obtain an old round wallet(汚れた丸い財布)
2. Talk to the lady again to learn the wallet isn't hers, then search the around the lamp post around the field next to the shrine (central shopping district north) to get another wallet (汚れた四角い財布) – take it back to her and finish the quest.
Hermit Rk 8
43 The Girl on the Rooftop, Part 2
Classroom 2-2, male classmate Obtain an Animal Guide (動物図鑑) from Prime Magus (インテリマグス)(Heaven, 1-2/F) 11/22~ Mokoi Doll (モコイ人形) #3 cleared
44 Desk Refurbishing, Part 4
2/F corridor, Practice Building (実習棟), female student Obtain Classy Lumber (豪華な木材) from Angry Table (怒るテーブル) (Heaven, 5-7/F) 11/22~ Assault Signal (強襲の狼煙)×3 #35 cleared
45 Acquire an Old Ore
1/F corridor, Practice Building (実習棟), male classmate Obtain Old Ore (古い鉱石) from Revelation Pesce (天啓のペーシェ) (Heaven, 6-7/F) 11/22~ Mental Radio (精神ラジオ) #19 cleared
46 Acquire a Modest Lamp
Bank of the Samegawa floodplain (河川敷), the refreshed old guy (シャッキリしたおじさん) Obtain a Modest Lamp (慎ましやかなランプ) from Phantom Lord (ファントムロード) (Heaven, 3-6/F) 11/22~ 45000 yen #24 cleared
47 Riddle Senpai Returns!
3/F corridor, Classroom Building (教室棟), student with an afro For the first riddle: Reply “Group A”, “Human Motion” (A, 動き)
For the second riddle: “Group B”, “Their indefinite articles” (B, 指示語))
9/2~ Snuff Soul (スナフソウル) #23 cleared
48 I Wish to See the Samegawa's Guardian”
Samegawa Floodplain (河川敷河原), old man 1. First, bring a Huge Fish “オオミズウオ” to the old guy and exchange for the Angler's Set “爆釣セット”
2. Fish for the Guardian “ヌシ様” on a rainy day (When the Guardian is hooked, the vibration will be big and infrequent - if you only get a common vibration, reel in and recast.)
*Special note: It is possible to fish for the Guardian on cloudy days in December even though the last rainy day is 11/20
Hermit Rk 9
49 Cat Needs Food Badly!
Bank of the Samegawa floodplain (河川敷), cat Talk to the cat and give it about twenty fishes.The quantity of fish needed to finish this quest depends on type of fish given.Feeding with larger fishes reduces total of fish required to complete the quest. 6/3~ Soma (ソーマ) #25 cleared
50 Revenge of Riddle Senpai!
3/F corridor, Classroom Building (教室棟), student with an afro Reply “Group B”, “The way they're drawn”, “Promethium”, “Need”, “11/12~” (B,アルファベットの作り,ホクロ,嵐) 11/12~ Chewing Soul (チューインソウル) #.47 cleared
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