Rank | Courage (勇気) |
Diligence (根気) |
Understanding (寛容さ) |
Expression (伝達力) |
Knowledge (知識) |
1 | Average (なくはない) |
Callow (若者級) |
Basic (それなり) |
Rough (そこそこ) |
Informed (歳相応) |
2 | Reliable (頼りになる) |
Persistent (ねばり気味) |
Kindly (情け深い) |
Eloquent (話し上手) |
Broad (広め) |
3 | Brave (怖い者なし) |
Strong (筋金入り) |
Generous (太っ腹) |
Persuasive (聞き惚れる) |
Expert (物知り) |
4 | Daring (冒険者級) |
Thorough (半端ない) |
Motherly (菩薩級) |
Touching (心に響く) |
Professor (博士級) |
5 | Heroic (豪傑) |
Rock Solid (タフガイ) |
Saintly (オカン級) |
Enthralling (言霊使い) |
Sage (生き字引) |
- Initiate Moon Social Link (Rank 3)
- Initiate Fortune Social Link (Rank 5)
How to increase
- Part time at the hospital
- Reading the Man Series (漢シリーズ)
- Have meal at Aiya (愛家): 麻婆豆腐定食/坦々麺/特盛り肉丼
- Clear the dungeon again and beat the extra boss after saving the victim
- Eat the bad food in the fridge
- Times of fishing (1 more per rank)
- Initiate the hospital cleaning part time (Rank 3)
- Initiate Devil Social Link (Rank 3)
How to increase
- Sport club
- Part time, pasting envelopes (封筒貼り)
- Reading “Witch Detective”, “Fun with Numbers”, and "Who am I?" (魔女探偵ラブリーン/数ってなぁに?)
- Have meal at Aiya (愛家): パーコー麺/特盛り肉丼
- Initiate Hanged Man Social Link (Rank 3)
- Initiate Tower Social Link (Rank 5)
How to increase
- Part time, baby-sitting (学童保育)
- Part time, paper crane folding (折鶴)
- Reading the Mr. Coward Series (Timid Teacher Series in the English release) and comic (先生シリーズ/魔女探偵ラブリーン)
- Have meal at Aiya (愛家): 特盛り肉丼
- Initiate Hierophant Social Link (Rank 2)
- Hierophant Rk 4 to 5 (Rank 3)
- Hierophant Rk 5 to 6 (Rank 4)
- Justice Rk 3 to 4 (Rank 3)
- Justice Rk 5 to 6 (Rank 5)
- Hermit 9 > 10 (Rank 5)
How to increase
- Culture club
- Part time, translation (翻訳)
- Reading the application series (入門書シリーズ)
- Pat the kitty cat in front of your house
- Give your classmate the right answer in the class
- Initiate Empress Social Link (Rank 3)
- Initiate Fortune Social Link (Rank 5)
How to increase
- Study at the library (Bonus if on a rainy day)
- Study at your desk in the room
- Reading the application series, “Guide to Pests”, or “Fun with Numbers” (入門書シリーズ/害虫図鑑/数ってなぁに? )
- Have meal at Aiya (愛家): 特盛り肉丼
- Attending lesson
- Give correct answer when asked by the teacher
About the books
JPN | ENG | Effect | How to get |
素敵な漢 | The Great Man | Courage | Book store, 4/20 |
漢、それはエターナル | Forever Macho | Courage | Book store, 6/1 |
たそがれて・・・漢 | Men of History | Courage | Book store, 7/15 |
我は漢、そして神 | Man-God | Courage | Book store, 8/24 |
漢よ、さらば | Farewell to Man | Courage | Book store, 10/9 |
弱虫先生、今日も行く | Off Today | Understanding | Book store, 5/7 |
弱虫先生、お金に困る | Short on Cash | Understanding | Book store, 6/28 |
弱虫先生、転職する | Changing Careers | Understanding | Book store, 8/4 |
弱虫先生と愉快な仲間 | Sensei's Friends | Understanding | Book store, 9/20 |
弱虫先生、最後の授業 | The Last Class | Understanding | Book store, 11/1 |
THE 茶道 | The O-Cha Way | Knowledge, Expression | Date with Strength, 8/10 |
THE 柔道 | The Gentle Way | Knowledge, Expression | Reward of quest #8, 5/23 and on |
THE 神道 | The Divine Way | Knowledge, Expression | Going to the Summer Fest w/ a girl, 8/21 |
THE 麺道 | The Noodle Way | Knowledge, Expression | Visit the Chinese Restaurant many times |
THE 外道 | The Punk's Way | Knowledge, Expression | Reward of quest #14, 6/3 and on |
魔女探偵ラブリーン | Witch Detective | Understanding, Diligence | Date with Strength, 5/29. Choose "take it" (もらう) |
害虫図鑑 | Guide of Pests | Knowledge, Courage | Reward of quest #22, 7/3 and on |
数ってなあに? | Fun with Numbers | Diligence, Knowledge | Date with Strength, 7/15. Then on 7/17, choose "no way" (無理です) |
なぞなぞだいすき | Riddlemania | Understanding, Diligence | Reward of quest #27, 8/11 and on |
おおいなるそんざい | Who Am I? | Diligence, Knowledge | Reward of quest #34, 9/26 and on |
page revision: 28, last edited: 01 Jan 2012 03:51